Sunday, August 13, 2006

Bleh to fun Reloaded.

You guessed it, work was busy. Just as busy as yesterday in fact. What the hell happened to the customers whilst I was on holiday from work? Were they givens steroids or something? Jeebus. At any rate it was much of the same old gig, little to no breaks between customers, and an almost endless queue of soul-crushing consumerism. I'm a capitalist at heart, but large volumes of customers with no end in sight can have a bad effect on anyone... I did get through it however, since work has to end sometime, and my mood brightened when I went round my girlfriend's place. Possibly due to work, I wasn't quite as 'peppy' as usual, and I caused my girlfriend to worry a lot about me, as she asked if I were okay quite a lot. That made me feel kinda bad, since I didn't want to make her worry, so I did my best to be vaguely normal whilst still being in a slightly down mood. I just hope I didn't worry her too much. We went for a walk up on the downs as I felt like I really had to get outside and get some air, and it was sweet how she insisted she come with me since she didn't want me to be lonely. That cheered me up a bit too. The walk did make me feel better, so that was all good. Fullmetal Alchemist and Mezzo DSA were also fun to watch, so it was still a good evening in general regardless of my slightly low ebb.

After I got home I felt like having a long talk about generally everything in my life, and so did so with my step mum. She's a great listener, and excellent at giving advice. I also have several friends who've given me their numbers should I feel really low and want a chat, and indeed one of them reads this and is a great friend, but I felt my step mum was the best option for today, since she was already around and knew I had something to talk about the moment she saw me. I worked out a lot in the talk with her, and I now feel a bit more focused on some aspects of my life, so it's all good. Afterwards I came here to write this, so that brings you up to date. I was also right about more anime being released today, but it was only two more episodes of Blood+, nothing else. Since I'm not going to bed today, vexed as I am that I need to go to bed early during the weekend for work, I'll probably get around to watching my anime. If not, I'll at least play a fair amount of SRO, or at the -very least- read more Battle Royale and listen to music. I really should make progress on that book..... At any rate I'm off to update the Soul Society forum yet once more, so till next time my avid readers(plural needed?).


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