Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Most of my day was filled with music. Lots and lots of music. Most notably several hundred of the OC-Remixes of game music. The annoying thing is I forgot to save my playlist and loaded another. Whoops. When I added my whole music folder as a new playlist, all the OC-Remixes were in a slightly different order. So... I lost my place. Whoops. Guess I'll have to start again then. On the plus side I managed to actually get the name of my favourite one so far, so that's all good. Took a bit of finding out of 3000+ songs, but I know roughly where it is on the playlist now. Nifty stuff. Since I wasn't really doing anything in the afternoon I figured I should finish up the story I'd started writing for my girlfriend since I'm seeing her tomorrow, and spending time round her place writing it seems like an absolute waste. In the end I managed to wrap it up quite well in my opinion. I just hope she likes the written romance, since it's pretty much the first time I've ever written such a scene. Though I had some, well lots, of spare time afterwards I completely wasted it. I just sat around chatting idely to friends on my computer whilst I listened to, yes, more OC-Remixes. I do have quite a few to get through after all. I should've probably read more Battle Royale, since I haven't touched the novel since I read the first 100 pages... Ah well, probably later or something.

Later on in the evening my girlfriend asked me to find the Saiyuki Reload manga. It took an INSANE amount of searching. Ye freaking GODS. I've never known something so hard to bloody find. Yet, as my girlfriend had asked me, I happily spent hours looking for it. I told her when I found them and she left MSN happy, but when volume 2 of the 4 and a half volumes finished downloading, it was corrupt. The uploaded file was cack. That's when the several hours of searching started. God damn. On the plus side I found a fantastic IRC channel with bots that have a ridiculous amount of manga, so I can go back there should I ever need to find more stuff. I also got round to watching my anime. That was inevitable as I only had three episodes to watch anyway. Utawarerumono, Bleach and Strawberry Panic. Utawarerumono had an interesting turn of events leading up to yet another war. There do seem to be quite a few of them going on apparently. Bleach had Ishida show up with a form of Quincy powers, completely going against the manga. Bleh. At least Ichigo got Ban Kai on Earth.... As for Strawberry Panic, there was yet more drama as Nagisa found out a tiny bit about Etoile's departed previous love. She didn't take it well when Etoile collapsed infront of her, repeating the dead girl's name. Must be a bit of heart pain for the poor girl in love. Since that rounds it out, till next time!


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