Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Twas a good morning once again. The Heresy Miniatures didn't arrive again today, and I finally worked out why. I'd completely forgotted a pre-order model had been part of the order, and it's not available till September 4th, so the order won't be sent out till then. Bah, stupid me, oh well. Five days away isn't too bad really, and the campaign won't exactly move on -that- quickly or anything, as the dungeons will be getting much much bigger. I figure the deeper into an underground complex you go, the more insiduously evil the denizens will be. Ghouls fit the bill then. One thing did arrive this morning however - the Saber figure from Fate Hollow Ataraxia that I bought on ebay. Ye gods it looks fantastic.... it has pride of place on top of my burnable DVD spindle, slightly to the left and infront of my computer screen. Work itself wasn't too bad either. It started out moderately busy, but as the evening wore on it slowly got quieter and quieter, till at the very end I was signed off my till and moved to the clothing department, where I essentially helped them clean up. Therefore work was largely relaxing as I didn't really have to do much overall. I also managed to check out the prices for printer cartridge refills, and it's not that bad really. I'll be buying one tomorrow morning before my girlfriend comes round so I can print D&D dungeon maps.

I also got round to watching the anime I had piled up. The last four episodes of Noein were watched this morning after I'd woken up. It was a great series, involved quantum physics, looked impressive and had a distinct anime style, and had a good ending. It was left open enough to know that the characters could continue with life, but the final 'showdown' of sorts was conclusively finished. Some of the effects and fight scenes in the series overall simply rocked. I also watched Utawarerumono, Kiba and Chocotto Sister. In Utawarerumono, Hakuro finally transformed into the big gribbly daemon-thing. He looked 'cool'. Kiba had more fighting in Task, with Roia finally meeting her mum. However it wasn't quite the reunion that she had hoped for. Looks like she's in for an interesting fight. In Chocotto Sister Choco went to buy a bra. That was 'interesting', as was the guy's best friend's assault on the manager of where they lived. Fondling was involved. All in all a funny episode. That pretty much brought me up to date with all the anime updates, but I still have an update for Muteki Kanban Musume to watch, which I'll be doing after this post is done, which it essentially is anyway. I'm going to have to rustle up some drawn maps and enemy models for the D&D... should be easily doable. Till next time then.


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