Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Vaguely quiet.

Hmm, today wasn't too bad. I got up at around 1 am, after waking at 10 am and doing simply nothing but stare at the ceiling and plan my D&D campaign, and just went onto my computer. Hey, I practically live on the thing when at home. Since I had nothing to download last night I decided to grab another completed anime series. This time it was Noein, reputedly good and with quantum physics. Hmm. By the time I left for work it'd completed. All of it. That leaves me with 24 episodes to watch when I get the time. Work itself was pretty 'meh', but one of the more enjoyable types of days. It was heinously quiet there, and I spent -ages- either just sitting there, or actively trying to get customers to my till by standing, making eye contact, smiling, and occasionally waving. Yes, it was that boring. I managed to spend some time replenishing bags, and the last two hours or so of my shift was spent doing other people's tea breaks but taking over their till for them and... sitting there. Lack of customers... On the plus side I got my tea break at the same time as a friend, and the lack of customers meant I wasn't tired at all. When I got home I felt perfectly awake, as there hadn't been an endless stream of stress. That's why such an empty shift counts as one of the better day types.

Other than Noein, I also have Bleach, Tsubasa Chronicle, Honey & Clover II and Tonagura to watch. I'll probably end up wating those four and probably a quarter of Noein or something before I go to bed. At around 9.30 pm, not long after getting back from work, I saw one of my Games Workshop mates on MSN. He'd gone home from work, found it boring, and had gone back to work. As such I invited him round, so by 10.15 pm he was over. We talked about the campaign for the most part, as well as Heresy Miniatures and Knights of the Dinner Table. His dwarf fighter is practically done, so that makes things easier. In the end he went off home when it was nearing midnight, and I decided to actually get round to typing this. With the lack of anime updates, yet abundance of D&D in my mind, I had a look for D&D torrents. Lo and behold, one which has a vast majority of all the 3.5 edition books. How convenient indeed. Those'll most likely be done before I even go to bed. However as that's all my news for now I'll be off. Till next time then.


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