Tuesday, September 19, 2006


I had another moment of lethargy today, bot bothering to get up and do anything till just past 2 pm, where I went to Games Workshop. I annoyed the manager a little, as my little social group has been going there every tuesday only to hang around and do nothing, eventually leaving to go to the pub to play D&D. After a talk with him he's much happier as we've agreed not to do that anymore unless we have stuff to do. After my mates and girlfriend turned up we went and had a meal at the noodle place as per usual before, yes, going to the pub and playing D&D. The munchkin effectively died, since he got ambushed by wolves and couldn't take them all down. He managed to kill 2 of 4, but the remaining two pounced him and got him below 0 health. Uh-oh indeed. The gnome bard also burnt down the tavern and tried to run away, getting caught, beaten up, getting a leg broken, having all his things taken and being thrown into jail. Uh-oh for him too then. My girlfriend, the catgirl, did much better as all she did was follow my Diabolus fighter character out into the woods for him to get all his stuff that he buried for safekeeping. Unfortunately then my laptop ran out of battery, so all my D&D stuff turned off. Hmm. That ended the session.

My girlfriend and I went back to Games Workshop to hang out till she had to leave, and after that it was back to the pub to play pool. Though I'm usually terrible I did rather well, getting 5 in a row and pulling off shots that I would usually horrendously miss. I still lost however with one of my colour left on the table as the other guy completely cleared up when he got the chance, dang. After I got home the only update I had to watch was Kiba, and it was quite good. I thought the series was ending with 26, but it's not. AniDB doesn't list it as ending at all, and the series isn't anywhere near a conclusion. How interesting. I have have three updates for Muteki Kanban Musume, Tonagura! and Ouran High School Host Club to get, so I'll be watching those when they're done. I will have to go to bed reasonably early though as I need to get up tomorrow to get the train ticket for University, and then afterwards I can go to Games Workshop and do more painting on the Bloodthirster. Since I didn't do any today that'll be quite useful indeed. On thursday my girlfriend will be coming round after college and we'll be reading manga together, and I'm having a free day of friday. All in all a set of good weekly plans then. As I've run out of things to say, till next time.


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