Sunday, September 24, 2006

Overdue Games Day.

I'm having to write this a full day late, as yesterday, or 'today' based on this post, my connection wouldn't work when I got home. It made it slightly harder to check for anime updates and so forth, that's for sure. Anyway, onto relating the day. I didn't bother going to sleep since I had to be up by 3 am, so I spent the time either preparing my pack for the day (it had a lot of food in it) or watching various music channels. Eventually I got a tiny bit bored, so quietly grabbed my PSP and glasses and spent half an hour or so playing more Pokemon Leaf Green. I've still not got that far, but then I've got less than six hours of playing time on it and the party are all near level 20 (aside from the starter who's at 22) so it's all good. When it was time to go I woke my dad, and eventually after some organising and picking up my girlfriend and I were at Games Workshop waiting for the coach. We got there early at 3.40 am instead of 4 am. Even so, the store manager was late and didn't get there till past 4.20 am. Typical. The coach journey up was relatively peaceful and quiet, though as my girlfriend was slightly cold I gave her my fleece and bought a rug at the pitstop (prompting the new staff member to make a comment about my age. I guess rugs are reserved for pensioners?).

Games Day itself was pretty fun. I got all my shopping done quite quickly, and my girlfriend was really sweet and kind and repeatedly offered to help carry my stuff, and did so without asking after we'd sat down for a bit to have snacks, since I had a fair amount. It was really kind of her. In the end I got three posters (an A3 one, an A1 one, and one even bigger....) which were free, and a binch of other expensive stuff. I shall elaborate - the Forge World Chaos Dragon at £195. Two squads of Forge World Death Korps of Krieg at £32 each. Two sets of Forge World Renegade Militia kits at £9 each. A two year subscription for White Dwarf (which got me the A1 poster free) for £60. The latest issue of White Dwarf as my subscription had run out for £4. Finally, a box of Cadian Imperial Guard for the Renegade Militia for £18. Overall that's £359. A lot in other words. Or in American, about $683. Yeah, I'm a tiny bit broke. All absolutely incredible stuff though. The Renegade Militia are cool enough, but the Death Korps are made of the resin versions of awesome, win and God. Yes, they rock THAT much. That's why I bought one set, looked at them for a short while, and went back to buy another, heh. Neither my girlfriend or I took part in the conversion competition, though as she wanted to look at the Golden Demon entries (as did I) we went and did our best to see them all. We only managed one side, ignoring the Young Bloods category, since the press of people was a bit too much.

Once we'd done evrything we wanted it was a question of waiting for time to pass really. Though I had pretty models to look at, my girlfriend didn't have much to do, so I tried to perk her up and di my best to ensure she wasn't bored with me quietly going through what I'd bought. It seemed to work as I still got her smiling and laughing. When it came to the Golden Demon awards, though we had good seats we couldn't see the winners that well. For some reason the main screen didn't show close pictures of the entries, but one that had the whole thing in view, with the Games Day and Golden Demon logos, as well as the winner's name and award level (for example Bronze) all underneath eachother and taking up a ridiculous amount of room. As such the pictures were quite small. It was vaguely irritating, but it'll be all good when the winner's booklet comes out with White Dwarf in a few months. The coach journey back wasn't too bad, though my girlfriend can get travwel sick, and when we were almost at the store felt quite bad. Thankfully she recovered really quickly, though was really tired. After dropping her off at her house with a few hugs and kisses, I returned home to find out that my internet connection didn't work. Great. As such no anime for me, and as I felt tired (no sleep then Games Day effectively wrecked me) I went to bed quite early. That's all, so till next time.


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