Sunday, October 08, 2006


Today was boring. Quite boring indeed. Work was tolerable, and alright for the most part as I actually had energy till the last hour and a half or so. Regardless it was quite boring as what else can you really do on a till, within regulations, aside from scan items over and over again? Geh. After work I did get to see my girlfriend which was greatm, but the game her family chose to play was, quite frankly, mind-numbingly boring. Oh ye gods it was bad. It was essentially a game for kids which they'd tweaked the rules to. As such I spent a lot of the time staring at the TV which they'd left on for background noise, trying to hear it and thereby overcome the boredom. I didn't want to say anything because her family seem to get on well together during such 'family games' and I didn't feel like it was my place to speak out against one of the sessions as it would have been hugely rude. Not only that but I wasn't sure how my girlfriend would react, so I did my best to get through it. e gods it was boring.... Unfortunately that game pretty much took up the whole evening other than the episode of Fullmetal Alchemist (a more than welcome diversion) so the boredom lasted from dinner till when I got picked up. It made the evening a lot worse than I'd hoped it would have been. With luck when I see my girlfriend on tuesday the absence of a game I think is bad will mean I'll actually enjoy myself...

Upon getting home, and feeling quite dissatisfied with my day overall unfortunately, I basically ranted to friends and snapped at one of them as their sarcastic remark just got to me. Meh. On the up side I did watch the otaku episode of Japanorama, and it made me laugh a fair amount which did make me feel a lot better. Jonathan Ross is good for that series. Plus the figures that were seen in the shops.... God damn I want to shop there, jeebus... At any rate I have around 14 episodes of anime to watch, so I may as well go and watch them now. Till next time.


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