Thursday, October 05, 2006

Quality time.

Once again university wasn't bad. I spent the first part of the morning buying the law book for the Frameworks of Law I and II course. Unfortunately the old lady infront of me counted out her change and took bloody ages. As such I was three minutes late to the seminar. Not a good start. Two minutes later, after the lecturer mentioned year three history, I realised I had the wrong room. Well, crap. I went to the -right- room and apologised, and from there on the day was fine. The seminar went quite well, and directly afterwards I had a lecture (both of which were for the Frameworks course). The book actually came in handy during the lecture, so that's quite a good start textbook-wise. After the lecture I pretty much booked it to the train station to get an early train home. Thankfully I managed to catch it, so had a bit of time to relax at home before I went off to see my girlfriend. As she couldn't come over today I simply went to her. It brightened my day even more being with her, and even though the weather was crappy after her job interview I gladly walked around with her in Eastbourne. We spent a bit of time in the Arndale shopping centre before returning to her home for a warm dinner. I'd offered her my coat when we'd been waiting to be picked up as I wanted her to keep warm, but I quite underestimated the cold. In a simple shirt I got very col, very quickly. Meh.

When I did get back home I updated the forum then spent a rather large amount of time looking for Pokemon Leaf Green codes. It's all well and good playing the game on an emulator on my PSP, but quite a drawback that I can't trade pokemon and therefore get the unique critters from the other games such as Ruby and Sapphire. As such I devoted over an hour to finding codes that worked. Needless to say it was annoying, but at least now I have some of my personal favourites such as Gardevoir. I still haven't got round to watching the anime piled up, and I have 13 episodes waiting. Eight of Tsuyokiss and the updates for Bleach, Zegapain, Kemonozume, Black Blood Brothers and the final for Ergo Proxy. With luck I'll get those seen over the weekend before the true workload hits me. I'll most likely not pick up many more new series should they start appearing, purely because I just won't have the time to watch them and stay up to date. It blows, but oh well. I have to work to get my law degree, so sacrifices must be made. Hell, I'll still have time with my girlfriend and time at SWARM, so I won't be completely without relaxation time. For now though I need to be off. Though I don't have a lecture till late tomorrow afternoon I have an agreement to be in Brighton early in the morning, so I need to be up. Till next time then.


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