Wednesday, October 04, 2006


University today was much less work intensive, and a lot more enjoyable. For a start I went in early and spent my time hanging out with people or going on my laptop as I'd bothered bringing it in, and during the lecture itself I sat next to a friend I'd made during Fresher's week but hadn't seen for a few days. Afterwards I went to her dorm building and met everyone there which was pretty cool. University certainly has a lot of interesting people. The only downer was the sheer amount of times the lecturer today told us that we had to pass otherwise we'd either have to leave or retake the year. His repeated emphasis wasn't very encouraging, and the amount of work he said we should be doing (40 to 50 hours of outside reading in addition to the 10 hours of lectures/seminars a week) is quite... daunting. That's straight work from 9 am till 7 pm five days a week. Jesus bloody Christ. I.... don't think I'll manage to keep that rate up without breaking.... It'll seriously kill me. I'm not a person who can do that much work without losing all sense of motivation, and at times, self... Damn. Happily, SWARM was much, much more fun.

There were a very respectable amount of people interested in my All Flesh Must Be Eaten campaign. The two D&D campaigns together got 12 people to play in them (of which I was one). My campaign on it's own, got 12 people wanting to play. Around now I'd insert a casually excited evil giggle. That's a lot of survivors to fight off the zombies. Lots of them are new to RP, and I think it's the whole lure of zombies, and being in a familiar setting at the same time, that drew them in. Not to mention I was adequately load and was seemingly charismatic. It was a fun evening, explaining to them the general premise, how it'll all work, what characters can be and so on and so forth. Next wednesday will be character creation, and, depending on how quickly that passes, the very start of the campaign. In addition to my law work therefore I have a fair amount to prepare and write for my campaign. Oh the work never ends, heh. At least SWARM is highly enjoyable, where as law promises to be quite stressful and potentially confusing. Though I have four episode of anime to watch and several more to get, I simply don't have time. Tomorrow not only do I have to buy law books in excess of £100 all together, but I need to buy a card and birthday present for my Dad as I've simply not got round to it today. God damn it, so hectic. I'm going to have to cut back on all my hobbies just to fit work in from the looks of it. Gah.

Tomorrow I have both a seminar then a lecture on the frameworks of law, so it's essentially two whole hours of a single subject. I have two hours of public law on tuesdays, but the lecturer for that in energetic and entertaining. The lady for frameworks simply isn't... Le sigh. So much to do. Till next time then.


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