Friday, October 13, 2006


Three hours early to be exact. I had decided to go into university far before my only lecture in order to have time to start and actually finish the seminar task. This plan worked well, aside from the fact that it only took me an hour to do. This meant that for two hours I was generally just wandering around campus or sitting in Falmer House common room doing nothing. As you can guess, this was vaguely boring. My lecture wasn't too bad though, and once again I didn't take many seperate notes but did do a fair amount of annotation. Afterwards I decided to go to Brighton, and spontaneously bought a Time Spiral 'Sliver Evolution' deck in David's Books as the tournament pack I'd bought before had a fair few sliver cards in it. Unfortunately Dave's Comics hadn't received their anime figure order, so I just bought two more little Rozen Maiden figures to add to the collection. Not counting the little dog model, which doesn't really fit in anyway, I've now completed the set with all seven little doll characters. It looks quite nice really. Other than that I didn't really do much when out and about, and returned home once there wasn't much chance of the delivery showing up. I even started to read my law tort book on the train journey back and, though complex, it was quite understandable. How convenient.

Not much anime was watched today and I can't be all that bothered to list it. All that's left for me to do is to update the forum and, since it's been a while, possibly add a new riddle should I think one up. Tomorrow after work I'll see my girlfriend again, so that's definitely something to look forward to. This lack of news cuts the post shorter than usual, so till next time.


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