Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Minion horde!

The day started out vaguely irritating. I'd spent a fair amount of time doing the puclic law seminar task, and due to timetable changes the first seminar is in week four, not week two which is this week. Therefore I've done the task two weeks early. On the plus side I have it done, but on the annoying side I turned up to university three hours earlier than I needed to.... Hmm. The lecture itself was fine and didn't require many notes at all really, since the lecturer was talking about tort statistics which were in the course handbook, so there was no need to write it all out again. Instead I just annotated them and that served well enough. Afterwards I went to SWARM, which I'd been looking forward to, and was quite pleased with the zombie campaign turnout. After helping everyone make their characters I counted the returns and had 13 characters. Considering that I had 12 people signed up, and two had said they couldn't make it, that's a good turnout indeed. Additional people are all good, heheheh. It got slightly hectic a few times, but I spent a great deal of time just chatting with everyone, learning names (which I'm terrible at so I really had to do my best simply to vaguely remember them) and joking with everyone. From the sheer level of enthusiasm which greeted me it looks like everyone's really gearing up for it. It's tremendously encouraging.

At 7 pm though the D&D campaigns started, and the DM explained the setting to the group I was in and off we went. The president of the club, playing a dwarf paladin, ended up being viciously mauled by a black bear and ended the session buried under a remarkably dangerous and camouflaged ooze. My diabolus fighter only got slightly injured by the bear, but unfortunately ended the session with another ooze wrapped around his head. That's not good at all considering he wishes to breathe... Hmm. Lots of serious injuries right from the start suggest that this could be a slightly quick campaign. Even so it's pretty entertaining, so I'm already looking forward till next week to see what happens. Since I have another week to plan my campaign (in very rough terms) I'll be able to tidy up everyone's characters sheets as some are an absolute mess, as well as possibly fully writing out the 13 mini 'missions' for the campaign overall as it's called 'Thirteen Days'. It's going to be a real treat seeing how they all do and how they react when confronted by ambiguous situations, such as an ill limping man (who only has a cold), a tuberculosis sufferer who coughs up a lot of blood, and lots of really hungover students who are unsteady on their feet, grasp a bit and moan a lot. It's going to be a lot of fun simply confronting them with a complete lack of zombies for a short while to see if they get trigger happy.

I've still not got round to watching those three episodes of anime but I will do eventually. Till next time.


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