Saturday, October 14, 2006

Excellent music.

Currently I'm listening to the instrumentals and songs from the Matrix films. Gotta love atmospheric music. Such dramatic music is strangely calming. Anyway, onto the usual content. Work was fairly boring. This doesn't mean it spiritually crushed me as per usual, oh hell no. It didn't particularly make me feel good or bad, it was just weird-ass neutrality. meh I guess. I did get quite agitated when it was time for me to l;eave. I overran by five minutes, and I hate having to do that since my girlfriend waits outside for me. However three other co-workers near me found it amusing, as they knew why I was getting irritated, and the customer and her teenage daughter also fouind it amusing when they were informed by said staff. That wasn't overly pleasant, but meh. After work time with my girlfriend was naturally comforting and relaxing. We watched a bit of Lost, but it's not really my thing so that didn't last long. My girlfriend also started another one of her mum's Christmas presents with her sister, so I essentially just sat back for that since it didn't really have anything to do with me. The rest of the evening passed pleasantly enough. Since anime is aired on Rapture on sundays there wasn't a Fullmetal Alchemist episode to see, but there will be tomorrow. I'm looking forward to seeing the final homonculi fights against Ed purely because he's learnt a lot with how to deal with them.

Once I got home I spent a fair amount of time chatting with my step mum before coming onto my computer at around 11 pm. I haven't really bothered to update the Soul Society forum yet but no doubt I will do. I've not watched any anime either, though I'll probably watch an episode or two of Glass no Kantai before I finally drist off to sleep. Tomorrow it's going to be boring work once more. I'm lucky to be able to see my girlfriend after work, I reckon it's one of the few things helping me keep my sanity. In the nature of planning ahead I guess when I get back home tomorrow, and on monday before my lecture, I'll catch up on some reading. I highly, and I stress highly, doubt I'll fully catch up, but by any deity you care to name I'll damn well get close. Of course since I'm an atheist such an oath is a bit pointless, but I assume you get my general meaning. With ten episodes of Glass no Kantai that actually need watching I suppose I should really be off to watch a few, so till next time.


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