Sunday, October 22, 2006


Work was a bitch. It technically wasn't too bad, in the sense that I didn't start feeling like crap till after my break. This was because my midday break was actually given to me at 2 pm. Considering I start at 10 am, that's the full four hours before I had it. Had I worked asny longer, it would have been illegal. Bloody lack of god damn staff. As such by the time I got my break I was feeling drained, and after my break I was fed up with being there and just wanted to leave. Two hours of desperately wanting to leave doesn't feel good. After work though I got to see my girlfriend, which was excellent even though I felt wrecked from work. We relaxed together and talked for a while, and it was really nice just being able to relax with her after work. I suppose that feeling of bliss makes the stress of work worthwhile, in a way. We also watched Fullmetal Alchemist again, and the series will be ending within a month. Then I can give the movie to my girlfriend as she's been wanting to watch it for quite some time now. Hopefully it won't disappoint her when she does see it, heh. When I got home I checked my torrents, which I'd been very kindly allowed to leave on all day, and to my delight they were all done. Excellent. As a consequence of this I started playing Rengoku II on my PSP. Oh my, it really does rock. The graphics are better, the level (what I've seen of it) is much darker and techno-gothic, movement feels more fluid and the best thing of all is that I already have an automatic crossbow equipped to my head. ROCK ON!

Though I do have time to watch anime, I've not quite managed it yet. I spent a fair amount of time on my PSP obviously, then did my usual search for anime updates and updated the forum. I also wrote a new riddle for the forum and this one has a rather large prize. I hope only one person gets the answer otherwise I'll have to think of a good mini-riddle... At any rate the anime I need (well, qould like to rather than 'need' per se) to watch is a Bleach dub update, Innocent Venus, Black Blood Brothers and Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori. Jigoku Shoujo was pretty fun, so I'm quite interested in how the second series will turn out. One of these days I'll also probably get the Megas XLR and Ultimate Muscle cartoons since I enjoy them and haven't seen them for a while. I'd also like to find some more fun PSP games, though Rengoku II, Tekken, Bounty Hounds, Killzone Liberation, Mercury Meltdown and Spectral Souls will more likely than not easily fill all the time I have not spent reading law books or watching anime. As that essentially covers everything for today I'm going to go grab some food. Till next time.


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