Well yesterday (since it's past midnight now) was my Dad's wedding. God, it was a hectic and tiring day. It was nice, seeing new people, having good conversations, nice food, and seeing one of my other friends kate, who I haven't seen much of, but there were exhausting bits. Reading the speech was draining, since I dislike talking infront of a lot of people, but everyone seemed to think I'd rehearsed it, and throughout the rest of the celebrations kept saying how good my speech was. This was quite ironic for me, since I didn't even write it, but rather my dad, step-brother and his girlfriend wrote it together. When reading it I mixed a few things round and added in a few more jokes to make it flow, and it seems like it paid off. Kinda odd.
My dad also allowed me to let the computer run for the full day, allowing more downloading goodness, but when I got back just before midnight the connection had been terminated at some point during the day. Naturally I hate it when that happens. Grr. It means that though I did indeed get bonus download time for Mai Hime, it wasn't all that spectacular at all. Oh well, I guess extra is extra afterall. Overall it was a good day, and on the plus side I'll now be able to most likely be able to have a good night's sleep, instead of laying in bed trying to go to sleep and only being able to wonder who else is online. Yes, sad I know, but oh well.
And be warned all those who don't want Mahou Sensei negima anime spoilers, they're coming up - what the hell?!? I watched episodes 21 and 22 and it seemed normalish, but Asuna was slightly sniffly and was hiding it. Well, a cold, that can't do much can it? I missed episode 23, since it's not subbed. I started up episode 24, and lo and behond, Asuna is freaking dead?!? DEAD? WTF happened there?? After watching the rest of the series it was clear Xebec had most likely gone "Damn, we've used 20 episodes and have 6 left, what do we do now? I know, make a main character die and completely ignore the manga and come up with our own storyline ending, instead of simply making the series close with the finale of the Kyoto manga arc!" Oh great, good idea. Negi ended up making a pacto with every member of the class. Every one. And Asuna's magic nullifying powers were explained away as a pact with a demon when she was younger, due to her early natural ability to summon demons. The only drawback was that the pact would kill her.
Umm... wtf. Not only that, but this "ultimate bad guy demon boss who'll kick you into next sunday beeyotch!" was killed in about 2 minutes. 2 small measly minutes. Asuna was revived with a time machine watch (taken from the manga but grosslym changed in what it could do) and Negi and the others all met Asuna as a child before the 'big' demon fight. Then, coming back to the 'almost-present' Negi's words to the younger Asuna shine through and she voices her predicament, prompting the building of a large scientific machine, untested, which -just happens- to cancel demon contracts. Umm... wtf. Also some changes near the end were just... wtf. Yue's reaction is completely overblown, and due to the wolf-boy not even showing, Nodoka my favourite character never gets to save Negi. Well, damn.
I'll give credit where it's due though, eventhough it didn't follow the manga and absolutely butchered the chance of favourite moments from the manga being well represented, the end battle was interesting since it showed the possibility of more pacto skills, which may just happen to turn up in the ongoing manga later on. That was admittedly cool. Also, it did have some 'Umm... wtf.' shock value, especially since I missed episode 23 where suna actually dies. It was a bit startling to start episode 24 and see Asuna in a funeral service, with the coffin lid lowering down onto her, Negi crying, subdued class after, etc etc. It was almost like a completely different parallel universe, just happening to have a different storyline. As such, I decided to eventually view it as a completely different storyline, and to just be grateful that Nodoka was animated and cute, and that the late pacto skills were nifty. Not only that, but I'm immensely thankful that the manga is still going. Phew.
At any rate, that was my day. Huzzah, and till next time.