Well I'm vaguely closer to getting a job, purely since I filled in the application form and handed them back to the relevant places. I also enquired about a space in Debenhams, and was given a number. The number didn't work. My dad was nice enough to look up the real one, which I duly called. I was told to hang up and call another number. Accordingly I did so. I got put through to the
Fire and Rescue service. What the hell!? It was pretty funny, and the guy who answered actually explained that it had been some time since someone had called the number, but the same thing had happened before with previous Debenhams applicants. How strange. I tried another number and instead went with menu options, and basically got told to look at their website. Thankfully on there it was a bit more coherent, and I managed to apply for an oh-so convenient opening at the store nearest me, the one which I'd enquired within in the first place. Yay for complications. On the plus side it got in done, and it was a definate opening. The application deadline was actually the 8th of next month, so that wasn't bad at all. With any luck I'll be contacted for interview. I tried a few other numbers but the respective websites were ridiculously complex and misleading, so I didn't bother following them up.
Since I managed to get it all done by 2.30pm I was free to relax for most of the afternoon. Whilst out returning forms I gave in to temptation and bought Tales of Eternia for the PSP. It was a moment of weakness, but it's a pretty good game. I elected to turn all of the in-game voices off though, since I go through scrolling text like a daemon and they only got in the way. Not to mention it wasn't exactly the best voice acting around, heh. The game itself is pretty good, though some of the things you need to fight at an early stage are
insane. Seriously against this huge plant freak thing I had to use 4 restore lifes and countless health replenishers. Jesus. The closeups of characters are all done anime style though, as in the intro movie, and it's pretty cool. I've not played a 'Tales of Eternia' game before, though I'm pretty sure it's been around before. It's for the most part traditional RPG fare, though on a PSP each button combination has to do something different just so you can actually do everything. It's confused me a few times, but the real-time fighting system is pretty good. With the right timing you barely take any damage at all even against 7 or 8 opponents with your party of 4. It's just the evil big bosses that nuke you.
Zomg, a longer post than usual, heh. Anyway, after I managed to put the game down several hours after starting it I was free to watch anime and actually cook my dinner. I happily munched away as I caught up on Blood+, Mai Otome and Bleach. The Bleach filler arc seems to be ending a bit later than expected, as it was widely assumed it would end in the Valentine's Day special. Not so, it's still going, plus they've introduced a new class of soul. That helps out in my Soul Society RP, even more variety for the masses. I'm sure quite a few people will enjoy the 'Bound' class. Blood+ is continuing to improve, though since I've been watching the Bakakozou subs a name is changed. Haji became Hagi. Not too much difference really, as in my head I just read it as Haji anyway, but it's another reason to redownload Shinsen's versions. Mai Otome's episode 18 wasn't anywhere near as dynamic as the previous one, but it was still on par with the series so therefore not disappointing. The level of conflict is seriously escalating in the plot now, so I'm looking forward to a hopefully good ending in 8 or so episodes. Only 8 weeks, which reminds me that Naruto will apparantly be off fillers in 6 or 7 episodes. Miracle news indeed! Till next time then.