Ah bliss, the Heresy Miniatures order arrived today! Excellent excellent stuff. The ghouls are even cooler models 'in the flesh' as it were, and the J'Peau and Ebric models are rather nifty indeed. The extra ten display bases are also a most welcome addition. I'll probably end up ordering more later on, since the cost of the Hasslefree Miniatures order has risen to nearly £35 taking into account all the 'anti-zombie' people I want to buy. I'm not doing the order yet, but I'll probably go through with it at the end of the month, along with another Heresy Miniatures order (mostly for yet more display bases and, if they're released, the newer daemons). Yeah, I know I'm possibly ordering a tad too much, but meh, I can afford it, and meh, the models are hella-cool. Not only that, but I got up quite soon after as my girlfriend rang at around 9.15 am-ish to say she'd be round quite early, so off I went to shower as per usual, and half way through she actually arrived. That was quite nifty, being able to snuggle once I'd got dressed and so forth. She spent part of the morning playing Pokemon Colosseum, and a greater part just spending time with me. That made my morning incredibly good indeed. By 1.30 pm or so my other mate, the non-munchkin one, had arrived, and so my day got even better since he's a good mate.
We didn't actually get round to playing D&D for a couple of hours. We all spent some time just chatting and surfing the net for a bit, then we had a game of Munchkin. It was really enjoyable, and had a shedload of cards since I own every Munchkin game set, such as Munchkin, Star Munchkin, Munchkin Fu, Munchin Bites, Munchkin Blender and all the smaller packs. It only lasted a bit less than an hour, but was a great laugh. At first my mate started well, then floundered as I caught up. Suddenly however my girlfriend started doing ridiculous well, getting shedloads of bonuses, and before long she'd left us both in the dust as she'd gone straight past us to victory. Unexpected, but entertaining. We decided to play D&D not long after that, and with food out of the way I set everything up and off we went. Strangely without the other friend things went a lot smoother, and both my non-munchkin mate and girlfriend had a lot more fun. For a start there was a lot more joking, and yet again another two near death experiences. Well three, as the Gnome seemed to have a penchant for nearly dying. Unlucky bugger. ll in all the session was really good, and the pair (with the two main NPC's) made a good deal of progress. Next session they may just reach the next important part. never mind the fact that they're resting for days to get all their life back, yet only have food for one day.... I knew I was forgetting something...
Though I set priority on some files for the Comic Party anime, it took several days to get them downloaded, and completely ignored the priority. They all finished pretty much at the same time, which was a bit annoying, but oh well. I therefore have 13 episodes of Comic party to watch, as well the all the extras for the series and the updates for School Rumble and Air Gear. I'll probably watch a few then update the forum again, as an arc has started, so it needs to be updated at least twice a day. I'll most likely finish up the anime tomorrow as I'm not doing anything in particular. Also in Achaea I've not got my pet yet, but I'm sure it'll turn up soon. Till next time then.